Marching Band
Huron High Schools Marching band performs at home varsity football game, the Belleville band review, MSBOA marching festival, homecoming parade, Applefest, and Holiday college concert.
Concert Bands
The high school Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band typically perform 4 times a year including the following:
- Winter Concert
- Pre-Festival Concert
- Spring Concert
The exact dates and concert times are available on the high schools calendar.
Theatre Arts
Students can explore a variety of theatre and stage performance techniques through the intro class and the theatre performance lab. Their are two formal performances a year, a musical in the spring, and a traditional play in the fall. The fall play has open auditions to all students. To be eligible to perform in the spring musical students must be enrolled in the theatre performance lab. We are however always looking for more students to participate behind the scenes and in the role of extras.
After school we also offer drama club, where students can participate in related activities and explore their talents outside of the classroom setting. Drama club is also proud to sponsor a variety of field trips to see university level and professional theatre performances.
Volunteers for building sets and donation of materials are always appreciated and welcomed. Please contact the theatre director Mrs. Kimberly Waddell for any further information.